Angels watching over me
Far and near as the eye can see
Ever since I was a young babe
Just starting out on this journey called life
Angels have always looked out for me
In time of need or strife
Never alone do I handle times of trial
For the Angels walk with me
Beyond that extra mile
Nor do I fear what life has in store
With the Angels beside me
I shall fear no more
These Angels they come in many forms
Some are friends I have never met
Some are friends I'll never forget
Some are family which I hold dear
All are gracious and full of cheer
So when at times you're feeling down
Just know they're Angels all around

Tamatha Perkins Guthrie




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 Art work used with permission is by  ŠPenny Parker    
If you use this background set you must place her  logo  located at the bottom of the page and  link it to:

Penny Parker Art,
To visit Penny Parker's site: Penny Parker Graphics